Welcoming a new year

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Dear Friends of Invested Faith,

It’s a good feeling to welcome a new year, and particularly from where I sit in Washington, DC.

We had several weeks of intense fear and uncertainty in this city, and I know folks in other places experienced this as well. It’s a relief to be past the inauguration and to feel some significant progress toward addressing COVID19 and its implications for us all.

As we approach the one year anniversary of the pandemic, when life changed for everyone, it’s amazing to realize that, even in the face of tremendous obstacles and uncertainty, the spirit of innovation continues to thrive in our communities. 

The conviction that we are created in the image of God and are, as a result, creators like God is a truth that has come to life during this COVID-induced separation.  We have been forced to create new ways of building community, and in some cases, we’ve discovered new and rich ways to be the church. 

This is the true heart of Invested Faith: finding and encouraging the new, as it emerges from what we have always known.  As always, you are invited to be part of this effort by giving a tax-deductible gift here.

Next month I look forward to introducing you to some amazing colleagues who will be working with me to find and support social entrepreneurs who are taking church as we have known it into new and fresh expressions.  This is exciting to me, and I hope it is to you, too!  As life changes, we are invited to open our eyes and our hearts to all that God is doing in the world.

In the meantime, I hope you are finding possibility in all that lies ahead of us. May God bless you and keep you in these days.

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With God’s peace,

P.S. In my faith community, National City Christian Church, we’re inventing as we go as well. You can watch what we’ve created for online worship and follow my regular preaching here.

Micah 6:8 Challenge

While Invested Faith seeks to support social entrepreneurs who are working to create community, do justice, and address systemic problems, we recognize that each of us as individuals have a responsibility to work together to create real change in the world. 

Every month, we will be suggesting one small act that each of us could take to create change in our own sphere of life and influence. Each one of us matters. Every step forward matters.  The healing of the world happens at the most granular level through human connection.  

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Take the challenge: 

Have a hard conversation with someone you love. Talk honestly and openly with partners, children, family members, friends, or co-workers about topics that have been considered too scary, too unpleasant, too political, or
simply unacknowledged. 


You’re Invited!

Join Invested Faith as we discover new ways of living into God’s good future.

Support the ongoing development of Invested Faith through a tax-deductible gift. Click here to support our work.

Grant a social entrepreneur. If you’d like your gift to go directly to someone working innovatively to reimagine the faith community, your tax-deductible gift of $5000.00 can make that happen.

Help us identify and connect with social entrepreneurs who are creating new models for communities that heal the world. If you know of someone who is doing this work, please connect us.

Spread the word! Help us build our audience by using your social media presence and word of mouth to tell others about this important work.

Amy Butler

Dr. Butler believes deeply that courageous communities of people who live with tenacious love can change the world.  Much of her career has been spent helping build communities of radical witness in the institutional church. Amy most recently served for five years as the seventh Senior Minister and first woman at the helm of The Riverside Church in the City of New York. She holds degrees from Baylor University, the International Baptist Theological Seminary, and Wesley Theological Seminary. Pastor Amy’s professional ministry career began as the director of a homeless shelter for women in New Orleans, Louisiana; she later became Associate Pastor of Membership and Mission at St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church in the city of New Orleans. In 2003, Butler was called to the position of Senior Minister of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown, where she was also the first woman to lead that historic congregation.  

​Though leading institutions of faith in this moment can be one of the most challenging leadership tasks around, she is optimistic about the impact faith communities have on the world. 


Introducing De’Amon Harges


Happy New Year!