Happy New Year!
Dear Friends,
As we look out over a new year dawning, we’ve learned from 2020 that the unexpected can quickly become a new reality. 2020 has given us a renewed understanding of our mutual dependence, and 2021 lies before us as an opportunity to embrace that.
For Invested Faith, 2021 will be an exciting year! Watch our newsletters and website for news about seed grants spurring the work of social entrepreneurs. Their stories will inspire you and remind you that there are many working creatively to build the world God imagines for us all.
You are also invited to be part of Invested Faith as we move into the new year. Rather than another ask for support, I hope you will consider this email an invitation to be part of a new way of thinking about how God is working in our world. Your gift joins the gifts of others to seed a new future.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year and God’s best blessings,
You’re invited!
Join Invested Faith as we discover new ways of living into God’s good future.
Support the ongoing development of Invested Faith through a tax-deductible gift. Click here to support our work.
Grant a social entrepreneur. If you’d like your gift to go directly to someone working innovatively to reimagine the faith community, your tax-deductible gift of $5000.00 can make that happen.
Help us identify and connect with social entrepreneurs who are creating new models for communities that heal the world. If you know of someone who is doing this work, please connect us.
Spread the word! Help us build our audience by using your social media presence and word of mouth to tell others about this important work.