Support Invested Faith
Partner with us to imagine the future.
Join the Invested Faith Community as we re-imagine the role of faith in healing our world.
There are many ways to support Invested Faith financially. Your donation offers support to over 60 Invested Faith Fellows currently working across the country in 23 states and the District of Columbia.
For congregations or other religious institutions, learn more here.
Write A Check
Please make your check payable to Invested Faith Inc. and mail to:
Invested Faith
PO Box 57323
Washington, DC 20037
Donate Via Wire Transfer or ACH
Please contact us via email for our banking information needed for wire transfers and ACHs.
Give Through Your Assets
There are many ways to support Invested Faith with your assets: making a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA, recommending a grant through your donor advised fund, or making a gift of stock.
Please discuss these options with your financial professionals.
Workplace Giving
Many companies offer matching gifts or payroll deductions to nonprofit organizations. Please check with your HR or community engagement team for more details.