About Invested Faith
Invested Faith
Invested Faith is a non-profit fund created to allow churches, institutions and individuals to reimagine the way faith communities can heal the world–even beyond their traditional institutional expressions.
The contributed assets of these institutions and individuals are held in a growth fund and distributed in small, unrestricted grants to faith-rooted social entrepreneurs working to build businesses that become new models of faith, community and justice-making across the country. We call these generous contributors Invested Faith Partners.
Some Invested Faith Partners are organizations reaching the end of their formal institutional lives. Thriving congregations also participate in the work of Invested Faith because they are excited about the mission and vision of Invested Faith and want to join efforts supporting this future-looking and faithful work across the country. Every contributor to the Invested Faith Fund is helping to build a vast network of innovative world-changers whose work will take what we invest now long into the future.
That investment begins generating immediate, practical returns because Invested Faith connects these funds to the work of social entrepreneurs who are building businesses that are working to dismantle unjust systems and heal communities. These social innovators, called Invested Faith Fellows, receive a small unrestricted grant from the Invested Faith Fund, and can now be found in 22 states and the District of Columbia working to address systems of injustice. The funding and support Invested Faith Fellows receive become integral to their success and thriving. They are world changers, and Invested Faith is the bridge that connects your gifts to their work.
Religious institutions hold a tremendous amount of capital. Religious institutions and industries in America represent $1.2 trillion a year in wealth, more than Apple, Amazon, and Google combined, according to a 2016 study published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion.
The Invested Faith idea of small, unrestricted grants to faith-rooted social entrepreneurs is based on the teachings of Jesus, who kept inviting those around him to see the world with new eyes filled with possibility, to scatter seeds of goodness and justice with abandon fueled by hope. Invested Faith has seen this model pay off over and over as we watch our Fellows thrive.
Invested Faith offers faith institutions a new model for participating in justice- seeking work across the United States.