Resources for Legacy Churches

 Resources for Legacy Churches

We are building a list of trusted consultants for churches in discernment. For churches who are in the process of making these hard decisions, we recommend Rev. Chris Mereschuk.

RevCJM, LLC Consulting & Coaching

Rev. Chris Mereschuk, Founder

“Change happens to us. Transformation happens through us.”

Faith communities everywhere are in a time of transition, often talking about changes they need to make. Sometimes when we seek to “change” something, we really just swap one thing out for another. But when we recognize, accept, and respond to the changes that have already happened, then we invite transformation.

 RevCJM, LLC Consulting & Coaching leads congregations through courageous and candid examinations of who we’ve been, who we are, and who God is calling us to be. For some congregations, this means pausing to clarify and re-envision identity and purpose. For others, this means significant transformation — including the difficult decision to close.

The journey of transformation requires integrity, intentionality, imagination, and inspiration. RevCJM, LLC strives to guide and accompany your faith community every step of the way.

You can find Rev. Mereschuk at