Introducing Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker

Dear Friends,

Excitement is building in conversations around Invested Faith, and this month it continues as we introduce Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker.  Joanne completes the team of three, joining De’Amon Harges and me in the holy work of identifying social entrepreneurs who will become part of the Invested Faith network through the granting process currently underway.  It has already been exciting to share conversation with both these dynamic leaders; I feel so enthusiastic about the ways in which their own lives and work will expand the story of Invested Faith. So, it’s my pleasure to introduce you here to Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker. 

As you continue to learn more about what Invested Faith is all about, I’d love to talk with you about possibilities for partnership.  You can reach me here.

And, of course, your tax-deductible donation is most welcome and deeply appreciated.

As many consider this week a time of holy remembrance, gratitude for freedom, or celebration of new life, what better time to think more deeply about how what we have is creating a whole new future?

With gratitude and excitement,

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Invested Faith Welcomes

Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker

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Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker is an ordained minister, educator, and practical theologian whose lifework is invested in bridging the gap between the church and society.  As the third Invested Faith Advisor, Dr. Solis-Walker is excited about the possibilities the Invested Faith model offers. 

“I'm a theologian. I believe in the priesthood of all believers. I believe in God's call for us to live incarnationally - to live this out. What Invested Faith is doing is creating a platform for that to happen and for there not to be a divide between the church and the work of society. 

One of the things that's most encouraging to me is that Invested Faith creates that pathway for people who may not fit into the traditional description of what it means to be the “priesthood of all believers,” because they don't occupy whatever may be considered as a priestly role.

Invested Faith creates the space and puts the seat at the table for people who are doing the work of God in non-traditional ways. And that’s really exciting to me. That really is a part of my heart language.
— Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker

Dr. Solis-Walker currently serves as Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Special Assistant to the President on matters of Diversity at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and Development with an emphasis on Ecclesial Leadership from Regent University, and a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.  She is co-founder with Dan Walker, her spouse, of Camino Road, a company that focuses on helping individuals and organizations think more critically and intentionally about how their leadership meshes with culture.

Solis-Walker appreciates the creativity and out-of-the-box thinking Invested Faith offers the traditional church.

“We've got a Great Commission to fulfill as the Church and we’re coming to a place of recognition that if we are not creative about the way that we fulfill the Great Commission, then it will be an inward focus. And it will not allow us to have the presence that we need to have in the world.”

Social entrepreneurs are a critical piece of this creative work of solving problems. “A social entrepreneur is not trapped by a mode of doing things that has to fit in nicely and check off all these boxes.  A social entrepreneur looks beyond the red tape and says ‘We’ve got to figure this out in a different way.’ It’s bringing about change that benefits everyone. 

The Invested Faith model doesn’t have that red tape. There’s not just one way for creative things to surface. It sounds redundant but Invested Faith creates a creative space that allows for those possibilities to surface and says ‘It’s okay. Those ideas are welcomed here.’ In other settings, there may be limitations that don’t allow those possibilities to even surface,” said Solis-Walker.

The church has not made room for social entrepreneurs as of yet.

"I don't think social entrepreneurs have space in the church. The church needs to find the social entrepreneurial ways to have space within the community. I think it's of mutual benefit, in a way that has yet to be discovered."

Invested Faith offers individuals a chance to live into their questions and is willing to listen and support their answers. Dr. Solis-Walker notes that the Invested Faith model begins with identity.  “The Invested Faith model says, ‘Hey, What's God doing in you? What’s God asking you to do? What is your response? What's your heartbeat? It starts off with identity - that calling and response of someone. 

And that's exciting for me. The Invested Faith model bridges the church with society.”

Read more of our interview with Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker here.

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Each of us has a responsibility to work together to create real change in the world. Every month, we will be suggesting one small act that each of us could take to create change in our own sphere of life and influence.

This month, help someone who is struggling to get a vaccine. Help them make an appointment and provide transportation.

Support the ongoing development of Invested Faith through a tax-deductible gift. Click here to support our work.

Grant a social entrepreneur. If you’d like your gift to go directly to someone working innovatively to reimagine the faith community, your tax-deductible gift of $5000.00 can make that happen.

Help us identify and connect with social entrepreneurs who are creating new models for communities that heal the world. If you know of someone who is doing this work, please connect us before May 1, 2021!

Spread the word! Help us build our audience by using your social media presence and word of mouth to tell others about this important work.


April Updates


Introducing De’Amon Harges