Hope on a Grocery Bus

Dear Friends of Invested Faith,

Easter season is always particularly meaningful to me because I find myself identifying with the first disciples who kept receiving invitations to allow resurrection to shape their lives but repeatedly met those invitations with dubiousness born of fear.

As I pastor a church myself and talk with so many of you struggling to hold an institution together, I suspect there are many of us who understand how those first disciples must have felt. I am with you in struggling to see the future of faithful communities, but I also know for sure that this invitation to welcome resurrection will turn everything familiar on its head. What would happen if we could lift our eyes from the specter of decline, despair, even death, and imagine resurrection?

I can tell you that we're glimpsing resurrection, new life, as we meet and engage Invested Faith Fellows doing amazing, hopeful resurrection work in ways I never could have imagined. It’s our honor to tell you their stories and to invite you to become a tangible and impactful partner in making that happen. Make sure to read about our visit with Fellow Tiffany Terrell and her mobile grocery store in the feature below. In a few weeks you’ll meet our newest class of Invested Faith Fellows and I can tell you: their stories will boldly invite you to consider the invitation of resurrection.

This Easter season I invite you to step out in hope by making a gift to support the work of Invested Faith. The doubts will continue to nip at our heels, for sure; the world can be a scary place. But joining the hopeful, future-making work of Invested Faith is one tangible way that you and I can step past the fear toward that future we can’t quite see. How about joining me in practicing resurrection this Easter?

With God’s peace,


A Ride on the Mobile Grocery Bus

Customers socialize while choosing fruits and vegetables from A Better Way Grocers.

In April 2023, Invested Faith, in partnership with Good Faith Media, joined Tiffany Terrell to ride along in A Better Way Grocers Mobile grocery bus in Albany, Georgia.

Invested Faith Coordinator Anita Flowers and GFM videographer Cliff Vaughn rode along and captured photos and video of Tiffany as she drove the retrofitted bus around Albany to provide healthy produce and other grocery items to seniors and others who struggle with access to nutritious food. We interviewed Albany residents who shared with us the value of the grocery bus and the impact Tiffany has made on their lives.

Read more about our visit and keep an eye out for the finished video!

Get Involved

Here are several ways you can join the Invested Faith mission and support Fellows like Tiffany:

Request a phone call. Sometimes the old fashioned way is the best way. We'll be happy to schedule a phone or video call with you to answer any questions you might have about invested Faith and give you some ideas about how you can be involved.

Introduce us! Maybe you know someone who fits our criteria for an Invested Faith Fellow: rooted in faith, working for justice and addressing systemic problems in their community while building a sustainable financial model? At Invested Faith, we don't do typical grant applications. Read more about our criteria and how to apply here.

Match a grant. If your organization would like to partner with us to support an Invested Faith Fellow and build the work of Invested Faith, please reach out. We would love to talk!

Spread the word!  Be sure to follow us on social media so you don't miss out on any of the news and fun! You can find us on Facebook at Invested Faith, on Twitter as @InvestedFaith, on Instagram as invested_faith_ and on LInkedIn as Invested Faith

Give a generous donation to continue to build the work of Invested Faith: Create a legacy and send your witness forward in perpetuity. Give a generous tax-deductible gift to Invested Faith here.


Press Release: Invested Faith Announces 7th Class of Fellows


A Ride Along on the Grocery Bus