Gathering Courage and Hope

This week we tell the story of a desperate young woman in a precarious position, of befuddled people confronted with change like they’ve never encountered, and of a nation listening for hope but hearing only the fear-inducing rantings of a despot ruler. We tell this story to remind ourselves that no matter how bad the situation around us may seem, God is always–always–at work. Courage to believe that and to join in God’s good work is exactly the kind of miracle we are longing for.

South Park neighbors in Seattle, Washington

As you’re gathering your courage this year, I want to invite you to act boldly by supporting the work of Invested Faith with a generous, tax-deductible gift.

Here’s why: when you give, you encourage and support budding spiritual entrepreneurs like Coté Soerens, who opened a coffee shop with her neighbors in the South Park area of Seattle, Washington. Their work builds community, and together that community is changing their neighborhood for the better. Read her story here.

The Team at Just Bakery of Atlanta

And when you give, you become part of the work of people like Leah Lonsbury, who founded Just Bakery of Atlanta, a nonprofit which provides job training and a living wage for recently resettled new Americans and Ronnie Farmer,who founded a language immersion preschool in Marion, Indiana that encourages racial justice and understanding and employs native Spanish speakers as teachers and leaders.

In fact, in 2021, Invested Faith awarded nine initial grants, offering:

  • hope and fiscal support to single mothers in Harlem, NYC,

  • bike mechanic training plus a safe, supportive space to local youth in a crime-ridden neighborhood in Indianapolis, Indiana,

  • practical encouragement to budding Black entrepreneurs in Carlisle, Pennsylvania…

…and so much more. 
With your help, 2022 will see Invested Faith seeding exciting new ventures like these all over the United States. It’s an innovative idea that’s bold and new and gives you an unexpected opportunity to join in the healing work of God in the world by making a tax-deductible donation to Invested Faith. 

This season we tell the story of a scared young girl…who said yes; of befuddled shepherds…who left their work to witness a miracle; of a community of people…who stood up to an evil leader because their longing for peace was stronger than their fear.

We can do that, too. The world changes when people act believing that hope is around the corner and that it is our holy work to usher it in.

Thank you for your support, and thank you for your gift this year.

Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Founder of Invested Faith

Amy Butler

Dr. Butler believes deeply that courageous communities of people who live with tenacious love can change the world.  Much of her career has been spent helping build communities of radical witness in the institutional church. Amy most recently served for five years as the seventh Senior Minister and first woman at the helm of The Riverside Church in the City of New York. She holds degrees from Baylor University, the International Baptist Theological Seminary, and Wesley Theological Seminary. Pastor Amy’s professional ministry career began as the director of a homeless shelter for women in New Orleans, Louisiana; she later became Associate Pastor of Membership and Mission at St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church in the city of New Orleans. In 2003, Butler was called to the position of Senior Minister of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown, where she was also the first woman to lead that historic congregation.  

​Though leading institutions of faith in this moment can be one of the most challenging leadership tasks around, she is optimistic about the impact faith communities have on the world.

With gratitude and hope


In case you missed it!