Join us in scattering the seeds of goodness and justice!

Are you intrigued by this new model of philanthropy? Do you want to know more about how you can be involved in the life-giving work of Invested Faith?

Join the Invested Faith Community! Through the work we are doing and the connections we are making, Invested Faith is creating a truly authentic community of people who are working to heal the world. Don’t miss out! 

Here are six ways to get involved today!

Invested Faith Founder Dr. Amy Butler with Fellow Rev. Alisha Gordon

Introduce us! Maybe you know someone who fits our criteria for an Invested Faith Fellow:

  • rooted in faith, 

  • working to change unjust systems, and 

  • building a sustainable financial model? 

At Invested Faith, we don't do typical grant applications. You can read all about our process for selecting Fellows and how to apply here. If you know someone who would be a good fit, please tell us about them. It all starts with a conversation. We love getting to know people who are doing God’s good work in the world.

Meet our Fellow: Rev. Alisha L. Gordon is a faith leader, preacher, and educator whose work intersects faith, culture, and politics. Gordon is the founder of The Current Project in Harlem, NYC, an advocacy-centered mission-driven organization focused on supporting the well-being of Black single mothers.

Learn more about Rev. Alisha Gordon and our other fellows here.

Invested Faith Fellow Leah Lonsbury, Founder of Just Bakery of Atlanta with her team

Give a generous donation to continue to build the work of Invested Faith: Create a legacy and send your witness forward in perpetuity. Give a generous tax-deductible gift to Invested Faith here.

Donations to the Invested Faith fund support fellows like Rev. Leah Lonsbury. Rev. Leah Lonsbury is the Executive Director and Founder of Just Bakery of Atlanta, a nonprofit organization that trains, certifies, and employs resettled refugees to make and sell pastries, bread, and other baked goods. Just Bakery provides job training and a living wage to new Americans to create a more diverse, inclusive, and compassionate community. Read more about Leah here.

Spread the word!  Let’s get social! Help us build our audience by using your social media presence and word of mouth to tell others about this important work.

Join us on FacebookLInkedIn and Twitter and share our posts with your friends. We’re also now on Instagram as invested_faith_so you can be an early follower there! 

Invested Faith Partner: National City Christian Church in Washington, DC

Match a Grant: If your organization would like to partner with us to support an Invested Faith Fellow and build the work of Invested Faith, please reach out. We’re developing new models for partnership and we would love to talk!

The Board of Local Trustees of National City Christian Church in Washington, DC recently partnered with us to support fellow Managerrie Winston.

Meet our Fellow: Teacher Managerrie Winston, founder of the KIT Project, noticed a lack of diversity and cultural relevance in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum offered to students. The KIT (Keep It Together) Project offers SEL curriculum centered on Black and Brown experiences along with training and professional development for educators.

Read more about Managerrie and her work here.

Help us tell the story! Invested Faith offers churches and religious organizations an opportunity to send their witness forward in a spirit of abundance. It’s a way to “let your memory be a blessing.”

If your church or organization would like to learn more about Invested Faith, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help!

Andre Brown, Actor and Filmmaker

Invested Faith Fellow

We’ll be glad to tell you about Fellows like Andre Brown. Filmmaker and Invested Faith Fellow Andre Brown combines his love of documentaries with his experience as a gay Black Christian. His full-length documentary will share not only his own story but interviews with other LGBTQ folk who have navigated the intersection of faith, sex, and sexuality after finding themselves on the margins of church. Read about Andre here.

You can read our FAQs for churches and other organizations here.

Please contact us to schedule a conversation about how your church or organization can be involved!

Sign up for our newsletter and keep up to date with news of our latest Fellows and partnerships. You can sign up below.. We promise not to spam you and we will never share your email address.

We send a monthly newsletter, featuring one of our Fellows and our latest updates. You will learn about upcoming events, partnerships and more. It’s a great way to keep up with what’s happening in the landscape Invested Faith serves.  Sign up today!


Celebrating Resurrection


The KIT Project + BOLT: A Win-Win Partnership