Field Notes is a pilot program Invested Faith will offer to Invested Faith Fellows in September and October of 2024.

Here are the basics:

  • A maximum of 15 Fellows will be selected to be part of the program.

  • Fellows will be grouped by affinities.  Affinities may include but are not limited to:

    • areas of work (food justice, retail, the arts, etc.);

    • skillsets into which a deeper dive is required for your organization’s forward movement (HR, scaling, staffing structures, etc.);

    • size of organization (number of people served, size of staff, etc.);

    • challenging life/work balance of the social entrepreneur (how to find rest and recover your soul, time management, etc); and

    • locating and accessing resources (how to access funding and support, etc).

  • Fellows will be organized into groups of no more than 5 with a facilitator leading the group. Sessions will involve a deeper dive into the affinity that draws them together, building a network of friendship and support as well as a place to learn.

  • Sessions will be held over ZOOM over the course of 4 consecutive weeks. Participants must attend all sessions. Each group will select a meeting time based on the availability of cohort members.

  • Participants will receive a personal stipend of $550 total at the conclusion and after full participation in their affinity group. There are no restrictions on how this money can be spent.

Because we are limited by space in this pilot program, we’re asking Fellows interested in participation to please answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

Apply Now

Invested Faith will accept applications for Field Notes from June 10- July 31, 2024.

Applications are open only to Invested Faith Fellows.

Thank you for your interest in the Invested Faith Field Notes pilot program. We’re excited to hear from you and look forward to all the possibilities for growth and community that this project holds!

If you have any questions about the Field Notes application form, process, or about the program itself, please contact Anita at