Ray’Chel Wilson
ForOurLastNames, Tulsa Oklahoma
The vision of ForOurLastNames is to empower individuals to build wealth for their colliective last names - to build generational wealth. During the pandemic, Ray’Chel Wilson moved to Tulsa, OK to teach biology as part of Teach for America and found herself teaching the descendants of families who had thrived during the days of Black Wall Street. Struck by the current economic disparity, Ray’Chel designed her original curriculum to provide basic financial literacy for graduating high school students. This curriculum, informed by Ray'Chel's goal-based investing methods to pay off her student loans, was a hit and students showed a particular interest in learning how to invest. Ray’Chel created her first company, Raise the Bar Investments, as a resource for holistic financial literacy and as a step toward closing the racial and gender wealth gaps. ForOurLastNames is an app that will support first-generation investors in building education & wealth.