Managerrie Winston

Managerrie Winston, Houston TX: The KIT Project

Managerrie Winston, Houston, TX

The KIT Project  

Teacher Managerrie Winston, founder of the KIT Project, noticed a lack of diversity and cultural relevance in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum offered to students. The KIT (Keep It Together) Project offers SEL curriculum centered on Black and Brown experiences along with training and professional development for educators. 

The KIT Project mission is to positively impact the Social Emotional health, wellbeing and development of underserved Black & Brown youth in a way that is culturally relevant to those in marginalized environments. The vision of the KIT Project is to foster and ensure that underprivileged youth develop social emotional wellness while providing communities and schools with a diverse curriculum centered on Black and Brown experiences and resources. The "Be YourSELf" Program offers culturally relevant yoga, meditation and mindfulness events for teens. Read more about Managerrie Winston and the KIT Project here.


Andre G. Brown


Dorian Hollingsworth, Jr.