Interested in Becoming an Invested Faith Fellow?
At Invested Faith, we don’t do typical grant applications.
It all begins with an idea.
Maybe you want to launch a business that gives back to the world. Maybe you have an idea for a ministry that can transform your community. Maybe you have a plan to address a broken or unjust system in your city. Or maybe you have a dream that no one has yet dreamed.
We want to hear your big idea.
We identify our fellows by starting with a conversation and going from there. Our Advisory Board members consider the ideas we’ve heard and welcome fellows through that deliberation. Small grants to social entrepreneurs and innovators will be made at regular intervals throughout the year; the only thing we ask from you is to please let us tell your story and inspire others.
Read the criteria for Invested Faith Fellows below to see if you might qualify.
Rooted in Faith
We believe that God wants our world to be healed and whole, and that the work of God is expressed far beyond the central model of a church or faith-based institution. We believe God’s welcome is wide and all-encompassing, never exclusive or inaccessible. We believe, in short, that where there is good, there is God. For that reason we seek Fellows whose work is rooted in those shared convictions. We have funded Fellows in a variety of faith traditions.
Changing unjust systems:
Impactful justice-making goes far beyond social band-aids or even acts of compassion. Creative businesses can change the systems that undergird injustice by applying the pressure of competition to create opportunity and to right inequity. We’re looking for projects that are directly impacting systems of injustice.
Building a sustainable financial model:
The traditional non-profit model of seeking donations to support justice-making work is in the middle of a massive sea change. We are living in an era of discovering new models for energetic, thriving organizations that, through innovative business efforts and entrepreneurial philanthropy, can build long-term, sustainable justice-making enterprises. We CAN do well while we do good. Entrepreneurs who are driven by justice-making just as much as money-making are entrepreneurs we want to meet.
Please note: Currently, Invested Faith is only funding projects based in the United States.
To request a conversation:
Thanks for your interest in our Invested Faith Fellows program. If you are reaching out with an idea you’d like to talk with us about, please help us determine whether our work intersects by completing this short form.
Forms will be reviewed on a weekly basis and we will be back in touch to schedule a conversation if you meet the criteria listed above.
If you have any questions about the process or the criteria, please contact Anita Flowers, Invested Faith Coordinator.